Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby's still got it! Woo Hoo! Jennifer Gray won Dancing With the Stars!Biggest Loser was a major tearjerker last night! Those people are so amazing and so dedicated, not only to their own goals, but to each other's as well. What a great show!

There are so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My family, my friends, my job, my health, I could go on and on! I feel truly blessed everyday! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Today is a very special day. Miss Evie Lou Coleman is 1! Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Kailyn brings home a weekend "homework" assignment each week in her Friday folder from school. It is usually a game involving words or sentences or coloring a picture according to weekly sight words. Along with her normal homework this past week was a family assignment. We got a picture of a plain turkey and our task was to disguise it so that no hunters would shoot it for Thanksgiving. I was super excited! I remember Andy, Mandi and Aubrey making a Hannah Montana Turkey when Aub was in Mrs. Smith's class! So we put our heads together for an awesome Turkey idea. I came up with either an Edward Turkey (Twilight Vampire) or a Justin Bieber Turkey. Joe immediately wanted to go with Justin Bieber, he's got a severe case of Bieber Fever ;) When Kailyn got home from dance on Monday, she and I discussed the ideas and she also thought of an MHS Cheerleader Turkey. In the end, I put the decision in her hands.

EDWARD CULLEN in Turkey form! For those of you who are not die-hard Twilight fans as Kailyn and I are, let me walk you through our thought process. Kailyn colored his body and face white so he'd be nice and pale, colored his feathers black like death and his gullet red like blood. I attached a nice white fang tooth to hang from his beak, sprinkled some silver glitter on his feathers since vampires "sparkle" in the sun, made him a sweet "Team Edward" shirt out of construction paper, made his eye golden (as "vegetarian" vampire's eyes are) with glitter, fastened an Edward and Bella pin to one wing like he was holding a picture of them and finally made a picket sign of Jacob the Werewolf that said "Eat Werewolf". Kailyn and I are VERY proud of our family turkey. Joe's part of turkey decorating was keeping Myer occupied ;)
Speaking of my fabulous hubby, and don't get me wrong, because he is fabulous, but I am slightly disappointed. Prince William has announced his engagement to Kate Middleton. Kate will be the first commoner to enter into royal marriage in 350 years. She is wearing Princess Diana's engagement ring from Prince Charles, and it actually needed no sizing. I told my mom I was sure Prince William was going to propose to me, but she said that was illegal since I was already married. I told her I thought it was ok since we lived in different countries, but I guess I'll never know. Thanks a lot, Kate..... My mom said she would call me "Princess Aimee" if it would make me feel better. I told her it would. I will give them one thing, Prince William and Kate Middleton are going to make some gorgeous babies!
I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week! Time sure does fly. Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Watching T.V.

We watch way too much t.v., especially with the invention of DVR. In the last week, there have been some interesting stuff on my favorite shows!
I'm not a "hardcore" Dancing with the Stars watcher, but I wanted to watch this season because Jennifer Grey was on it. I hope I look half that good at 50! Then Kailyn decided she liked watching Kyle Massey (Cory in the House) and Joe like The Situation. Anywho, can someone please tell me how Bristol Palin is still on that show? I feel for the girl, I do, she has no dance experience and isn't an entertainer.....blah, blah, blah. She's stiff and has no personality, she's gotta go! And while Brandy is a fantastic dancer, she seem cocky to me. I think Maks is rubbing off on her, he is out of control.
I have been increasingly disappointed in Grey's Anatomy. I know I complain about how it "just isn't like it used to be", and you're probably saying "quit watching then, stupid", but I can't. What if I quit watching and that's when it starts getting good again?! Private Practice was pretty edgy this past week! Charlotte was attacked and raped, always a horrible, sensitive subject, but a very real one! Charlotte has also decided that she doesn't want anyone to know that she was raped because she thinks people will look at her differently. What a secret to keep. I think the previews kind of show her melting down, so hopefully someone can get her some help!Fatal Attractions hasn't been the greatest lately either. The past few episodes have been about people with snakes. I mean, like, people who own poisonous snakes and kiss them and stuff and can't figure out why their beloved snake would bite their face and kill them. One man said that having a snake was no different than having a German Shepard or any dog. He said dogs used to be wild, so they could turn on you at any point too. Right. Snakes are the same as dogs. Apparently what they didn't know about that guy is that he was high. Back to the topic! Last week Fatal Attractions was about people who had raised cattle (bottle calves) and when they grew up, the cow trampled and killed them.....Kara, I know you read this!!!!! One man on the show had a bottle calf that he kept in the house and used to drive around with it in the bed of his truck.....until it broke most of his ribs. I recorded a new show on WE on Saturday called Downsized. I haven't watched all of it yet, but it's pretty interesting. It's about a family of 9 that used to live the high life, but didn't budget their finances well enough for this economy and have gone bankrupt. They are on food stamps and live paycheck to paycheck now. It's very enlightening.Oprah, who is in her final season, had Katherine Jackson on her show yesterday! I have also only watched a little of the show, but I'm excited to watch more! I love me some M.J.! Oprah talks to his kids and Joe Jackson too, but I haven't gotten that far. I'm not going to lie, I'll probably cry when she interviews his kids!Tonight is Biggest Loser. I love the motivation on that show! Bob is going to do live reveals of the eliminated contestants! Wow, it doesn't take much to impress me, huh?

Enjoy this beautiful day, I'm afraid there aren't too many left before winter blows in! BACK TO WORK, PEOPLE, THE AUDITORS ARE HERE ;)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

I'm a horrible blogger, I know.....but just let me explain, would you? I had quite the week last week! Since September, my parents have had really terrible luck. My stepdad has fallen off a ladder, had surgery on his fingers, rolled his company mini van down a 30-foot embankment when a car pulled out in front of him on 65 Hwy with my mom (my mom had some MAJOR bruising, but was ok) and had a fractured hip and most recently has acquired a kidney stone. This past Tuesday, my mom called and said she was at the ER AGAIN with Ray. I couldn't believe it! She said he had pain in his lower abdomen and was throwing up. The doctors found a kidney stone with a CT scan and kept him in the hospital overnight to try and monitor his pain. Now let me add in here that this is Tuesday night and my mom was scheduled to have surgery to correct her carpal tunnel Thursday morning. Wednesday didn't go too bad, my mom went to work until Ray could come home from the hospital and then took him home to be nursed by my Gma. The pain was still really bad, so he kept on his pain meds as much as possible. Thursday morning came and my aunt and Gma took my mom out for surgery. After I dropped my kids at daycare and school, I joined them. The surgery went great and they let me take mom home. After I took her, I came to work (our auditors are actually coming today) to get things ready and my mom called. She said she and my Gma were taking Ray back to the ER. The percocet was not touching the pain and the doctor's office said just to take him there and hope for IV meds. They got him set up on Demoral patches (with nausea medication) and sent him home. After I got to work on Friday, my cell phone rang. It was my mom and she was hysterical. She said Ray was completely out of it and he still wasn't passing the stone and she was getting something done about it today. She got the doctor on call, who told her that, by some miracle, there was a urologist from Columbia at the office on Fridays and he would beg for Ray to get in. He got right in, and the urologist sent him straight to Columbia for surgery.....DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200. I packed them up and sent them with my two stepbrothers. They got to Columbia around noon and Ray finally got in for surgery around 6pm. Now are you ready for this? In surgery, they found an infection and couldn't remove the stone. They put in a stint and will call this week to let Ray know when he can come back and have the stint and stone removed. All the while, my mom has one freaking arm (the left one, no less) and can't even shower or dress on her own! Who has this luck? So I've been nursing some patients this past week and weekend. Kailyn and I kidnapped my mom Saturday night, leaving Ray with my brother, Tim, to care for him and we waited on her hand and foot! We had a very fun time at our sleepover!
So I am vowing, right here and now, to have a better week! Auditors and all, who cares! This week is going to be great! I did get my Christmas decorations up this past weekend and am only waiting for my hubby to put up the lights. I also thoroughly enjoyed our extra hour of time on Sunday!
Well, I promise to be a better blogger, but for now I must go! ;)