Thursday, November 18, 2010


Kailyn brings home a weekend "homework" assignment each week in her Friday folder from school. It is usually a game involving words or sentences or coloring a picture according to weekly sight words. Along with her normal homework this past week was a family assignment. We got a picture of a plain turkey and our task was to disguise it so that no hunters would shoot it for Thanksgiving. I was super excited! I remember Andy, Mandi and Aubrey making a Hannah Montana Turkey when Aub was in Mrs. Smith's class! So we put our heads together for an awesome Turkey idea. I came up with either an Edward Turkey (Twilight Vampire) or a Justin Bieber Turkey. Joe immediately wanted to go with Justin Bieber, he's got a severe case of Bieber Fever ;) When Kailyn got home from dance on Monday, she and I discussed the ideas and she also thought of an MHS Cheerleader Turkey. In the end, I put the decision in her hands.

EDWARD CULLEN in Turkey form! For those of you who are not die-hard Twilight fans as Kailyn and I are, let me walk you through our thought process. Kailyn colored his body and face white so he'd be nice and pale, colored his feathers black like death and his gullet red like blood. I attached a nice white fang tooth to hang from his beak, sprinkled some silver glitter on his feathers since vampires "sparkle" in the sun, made him a sweet "Team Edward" shirt out of construction paper, made his eye golden (as "vegetarian" vampire's eyes are) with glitter, fastened an Edward and Bella pin to one wing like he was holding a picture of them and finally made a picket sign of Jacob the Werewolf that said "Eat Werewolf". Kailyn and I are VERY proud of our family turkey. Joe's part of turkey decorating was keeping Myer occupied ;)
Speaking of my fabulous hubby, and don't get me wrong, because he is fabulous, but I am slightly disappointed. Prince William has announced his engagement to Kate Middleton. Kate will be the first commoner to enter into royal marriage in 350 years. She is wearing Princess Diana's engagement ring from Prince Charles, and it actually needed no sizing. I told my mom I was sure Prince William was going to propose to me, but she said that was illegal since I was already married. I told her I thought it was ok since we lived in different countries, but I guess I'll never know. Thanks a lot, Kate..... My mom said she would call me "Princess Aimee" if it would make me feel better. I told her it would. I will give them one thing, Prince William and Kate Middleton are going to make some gorgeous babies!
I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week! Time sure does fly. Have a great week!

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