Friday, December 18, 2009

Funny Story

In actuality, I have a couple funny stories.....Enjoy!
*The other night I was flipping through the channels and stopped at the intriguing show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. Being the good parents we are, Joe and I decided to watch it, coming to the conclusion that Kailyn would just think that this was a show where babies were born. NEVER underestimate the brain power of an almost 6 year old. The first lady had conceived when her recently born baby boy was 2 months old. The night she delivered, she said she just felt like she had to go to the bathroom really bad, however, when she sat on the toilet, she felt the urge to push and immediately knew what was happening. She stood up, pushed and delivered her baby girl. To this, Kailyn said, "Oh my gosh, Mom, after you have the baby, DO NOT poop." Joe and I chuckled behind her and tried to let the comment disappear on it's own. But do you think we turned the show off.....well, NO! The second lady had a one night stand and didn't know she was pregnant. The night she delivered, she also just thought she was constipated and spent lots of time on the toilet. She remembered not being able to get comfy. After being on the toilet for quite a while and doing a lot of pushing, she gave up and laid in her bed. The pain was so bad she called 911. At the same time she felt an odd sensation "in the wrong area" (if you know what I mean) and there came her baby! After this one, Kailyn said, "Mom, whatever you do, if you have to poop, DO NOT PUSH!" Now, you can't blame any of this on my sweet baby girl, just her horrible parents who let her watch the show, so at that point I simply said, "Thank You", and turned the channel. Please don't turn us in, I promise we'll be more careful with our tv show selection!
Kids are just so funny! It's amazing what they really pick up on. I was telling Joe's Mom the above stories, and she shared one of her own.
*When Joe was in the womb, his sister, Stephanie, was close to Kailyn's age now. Well, Stephanie had been with Fred on the farm for several years at this point and had witnessed many farm happenings (ex: birth, castration, etc). Anywho, as Joe's arrival was nearing, little Stephanie wanted to comfort her Mama. She said, "Mom, don't worry, if you have any trouble getting him out, I'll tie a rope around his feet and pull him out." While that is a wonderful method for cattle, Robin kept her eyes wide open for Steph to grab her jumprope!

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