Monday, April 19, 2010

New Addiction

From the beginning, I have shown no interest in the Twilight series. I tried to read the first book once, because my sister and co-worker were pretty into it, but I just couldn't force it. I sided with the people who were against the hype, calling it stupid and overdone. I guess I figured honestly that I saw Interview With The Vampire, Brad Pitt's best and sexiest role, and that was good enough for me. Until my 6 year old got sucked into Wizard's of Waverly Place. Last season, the teenage wizard son started dating a teenage vampire girl, while the teenage wizard daughter started dating a teenage werewolf boy. Well one day Kailyn saw a commercial for the New Moon DVD and decided she really wanted to see it, with her newfound love of vampires and werewolves. I was leary for quite a little bit, not sure how scary or graphic the Twilight tales were, but finally gave in two weekends ago. Kailyn, Myer and I sat down on a Sunday afternoon and watched Twilight. I wouldn't say it was the best movie ever, but Kailyn really liked it, and I was itching to know what would happen next. This past weekend, Kailyn went to her dad's, so Joe and I previewed New Moon (I'd heard of a few graphic scenes), and unfortunately, I am now hooked. How does this happen? Hi, my name is Aimee, and I'm addicted to the Twilight Series. Unbelievable. I don't even think I can wait for Eclipse to come to theaters June 30th, so I had a friend bring me the book! I've got to get the book I'm reading now done, so I can be ready for the movie. I'm such a dork.

By the way, I am 100,000% TEAM EDWARD. Taylor Lautner looks like a 12 year old, and while his abs are quite tasty, the werewolves just don't appeal to me. They seem to have no control of their transformation or anger. Robert Pattinson, however, while he always looks like a huge dirtbag in the public eye, is one fine, sparkly vampire. Who wouldn't choose a mind reading, super speed, super strength hottie over a really big dog. I mean, come on, the choice is very simple.

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