Monday, April 26, 2010

Oh Baby!

Let me just start off by saying that I think I was put on this Earth to be a mother. I find no greater joy than being with my children and I love them more than life itself. My heart explodes at the thought of my babies. That being said, who knew how much different having 2 kids was than just 1. I thought with Kailyn being 6 when Myer was born I was going to have a cakewalk with 2 kids. HA! I swear I am a very efficient person, sometimes even obsessively efficient, but you wouldn't think so lately! This morning I walked out of the house 20 minutes later than I should have with SEVEN bags. Anywho, I forget a few things here and there and run a little late from time to time, but my babies are happy. I'll get into a groove.....hopefully sooner than later!
My fabulous hubby and some fantastic helpers (Andy, Ray, George, Fred, Linc, Tim, Jug and Stephen) put up Kailyn and Myer's new swingset this weekend. IN THE POURING RAIN! Those boys worked their patooties off, and I appreciate it so much! I've inserted a picture of the factory swingset for now. Our backyard looks like a pond, so I will show off the hard work when I don't have to wear waders. Kailyn is so excited to play on the new set! I'm sure Myer is too, he's just not telling us!
Saturday morning, while the boys were slaving away, my Mom, Kailyn, Myer and I went to the Annual MS Walk. We got started on our 4 mile trek after Tracey cut the ceremonial ribbon, when I got pretty nervous. It was drizzling rain and very windy. I just felt like it was too cold and damp for a 3 month old. Kailyn and my Mom wanted to keep going with my Aunt Brenda and Aiden, so I drove to the First Christian Church and waited at the check point with mine and Tracey's Grandmas. I wrapped Myer up, snug as a bug in a rug, and held him tight against me. Once the walking crew made it, Kailyn decided she wanted to walk around the square to Red Cross and then I pick them up. My mom wanted to finish, but Kailyn has her wrapped around her little finger and wanted her to ride with us, so that's what she did. Pushover. I was really proud of both of them, especially Kailyn, for walking over 2 miles! Yesterday was my Mom, Joe and I's Birthday Lunch at my Gma's. We had lots of good food and opened some presents! It was great. Joe and I can't keep surprises, so we always open our presents from each other early (Saturday)! He's actually had one his presents (a leatherman's tool) since, like, January, but he had no idea about the Cardinal's Tee or new jeans, I was quite proud for keeping my trap shut about those for over a month. I picked out an awesome ring with two garnets (one for each of my January kiddos), and Joe got it for me, so I definitely loved it! This week should prove to be quite a busy one. Today Kailyn has Dance, Tuesday is MY BIRTHDAY and Kailyn has TBall practice, Wednesday is Joe's Birthday and my Essure Procedure, Thursday is my Mom's Birthday, Kailyn's Young Author's Tea and Tball pics and Friday is Mandi's Birthday, Kailyn has a Girl Scout Meeting and goes to her Dad's. I certainly hope to be on time and organized for all events! Pray for me Wednesday as I finalize the fact that our family is complete. Yikes, no more babies, really! Have a good one!

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