Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kickin it Old School!

After an action packed week of birthdays, my friends and I kicked it old school at a 30th birthday celebration for 3! Mandi, Miranda and I all turn 30 within a couple weeks of each other, and decided to bring down the house with an amazing 1980's skating party! I believe the new concensus is that we have a themed skating party at least once a year! We all had a freaking blast!By the way, in case you live under a rock, Osama Bin Laden is DEAD! Woot Woot! You can run but you can't hide you crazy nutbag! I know, I know, violence doesn't end violence, but honestly, do you know how many people died at the hands of that douschebag? Not just ours, his own too! That dude didn't give a crap about anyone but the voices in his head and the world is a better place without some looney tune brainwashing innocent children into killing machines for his insane domination plans! And honestly people, OBL's death is obviously an American victory. I've not seen any coverage where President Obama said he personally killed OBL, so get over it. Everyone is always looking for a reason to hate him in some way. It's just the way people are, if we had another president, they'd look for reasons to hate that person too. GET OVER IT PEOPLE! Let's rejoice in our freedom and be thankful for those who fight for us to maintain that freedom (with their orders coming from our president)! We are a great team, this United States of America, let's act like it! I am 100% proud to be an AMERICAN!

1 comment:

  1. Amen Sister! :)
    PS SOOOOOOOOOO love the party pics looks like you all had a blast!!
