Thursday, July 23, 2009

So You Think You Can Cry

OMG! Did anyone catch So You Think You Can Dance last night? It was quite memorable! For starters, it was the 99th episode, leading to the blow out 2 hour 100th episode tonight. Ellen DeGeneres and Mia Michaels were the guest judges for the special performance episode, and let me tell you, Ellen was flipping hilarious! She obviously is not a trained dancer like the other judges, but her humor filled in for technique comments, for sure. She asked one couple, "Are you guys carpenters?.....Because you NAILED it!" Too funny! So besides Ellen, I wasn't really blown away by most of the dances. I thought Brandon and Jeanine did a great job on their Lauriann contemporary, and the others were doing a good job too, just nothing outstanding. That is, until Ade and Melissa pulled a Tyce Diorio Contemporary. Before every routine, you get a little background clip of what the dance is about. This particular dance was about Breast Cancer. Plan and simple, the fight of a woman who has breast cancer. I thought, "Uh, oh, pregnancy hormones, we can do this." Not so much. When they came out on the stage, Ade just looked like a strong man there for his woman, and Melissa was wearing a small neglige type thing with bloomers and a beautiful scarf on her head so that it looked like she didn't have any hair. The song is one of my favorite songs EVER, Maxwell's "This Woman's Work". I mean the dance just had it all, her fight, resistance and exhaustion. I bawled my face off. My mom watches the show too, and she, being a breast cancer survivor, loved it too...meaning, she also bawled her face off. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I don't know how to copy a video, but please, please click on this link and watch it on you tube, it is truly moving.
While we're on fantastic things, have you guys seen Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood? That is a great movie. Don't get me wrong, you'd better be ready for the ending, because it'll take you by surprise, but that's part of what makes it so great! I give it an enthusiastic two thumbs up.
I started a new book last night. Kailyn is at her dad's for her final 2 week session of the summer, so since I got a couple of new books for my birthday, I thought I just might get those read! This book is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. It is a true story about a teenage girl who commits suicide and apparently sent out a series of tapes to one person at a time from a list of thirteen (each listener must mail the tapes to the next person on the list), letting each of the thirteen people know their part in her suicide. Crazy, huh? It's pretty good so far, I mean, I just started last night, but I can't wait to read it more tonight!
Let's see here, it's been over a week since I've blogged, so I'm trying to make sure I tell all that needs to be told...MELISSA! She is a non-blogger nazi, and is really mean when I let her down and don't blog. So I dedicate this blog to her. Sweet, right? Muah!
Everyone keep Kara Ruhe-Daniel and hubby in their thoughts today, as they will probably meet their baby girl, Natalee, this 23rd day of July! Kara has been in labor since about 4am yesterday morning and received her epidural super early this morning and is hopefully getting a little rest before their little arrival. What is even more special is today is Daddy Matt's birthday! What a day to share.
As for our bambino, it is growing everyday. As you can see by the little illustration on the right, we are developing more and more all the time! Our next Dr's appointment will be August 11th and we will schedule our sonogram on that day to *hopefully* find out if we have a Klinge Boy or a Klinge Girl. Then Mommy Klinge can buy fun new things for him or her!!!!! Won't Daddy Klinge be impressed? Hee, Hee! I did visit the chiropractor yesterday about my sciatic nerve like Dr McCoy told me to at our last appointment. Dr Dan cracked my hips and sent me on my way with a follow up appointment on Friday. Yesterday it hurt worse afterwards, but that is to be expected. I'm just hoping it will feel better soon!
This weekend, while lonely without my sweet Kailyn, will be fun. Richard and Ariel Urtz's reception is Saturday and should be a great time! Richard is Joe's cousin and he and Ariel got married in May in Jamaica. I believe I put pic's on the blog of their beautiful beach wedding! Anyway, I had to get an "in between" maternity dress for the shindig, since I am rapidly outgrowing my wardrobe.
Well, that was a pretty lengthy update, and should tide Melissa over for at least a few days, so I am feeling pretty satisfied! Tomorrow is Friday, YAY! Have a great weekend everyone!

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