Friday, August 14, 2009


Come on women, I'm talking about "the change". You know, menopause. Not me silly dog. That's right, my dog, Missy, just turned 8 this past July is apparently going through the change. She has been having accidents in her sleep which Dr Tom says is from a lack of estrogen. So yesterday he prescribed our Missy some estrogen. She has to take two pills per day for a week and then he will reevaluate according to our home report. Poor Missy, she's already pretty testy, so hopefully the mood swings don't hit her full force! Hee, hee!
I was whining on here on my last post about how Kailyn has grown so fast, but as Kailyn steps into a new adventure in her life by beginning kindergarten, so does my baby sister. Jordan, my itty bitty baby sister, will begin her senior year in high school on the same day my itty bitty baby girl starts kindergarten. Crazy, huh? Haven't you heard the saying, "As one chapter ends a new one begins". So it will be, my baby sister will end her public school days as my baby girl is starting hers. WAH, WAH, WAH! Do you think Baby Klinge will stay a teeny, tiny, wrinkly skinned, sweet smelling newborn forever?

Speaking of Baby Klinge, he/she has become quite active lately. Baby seems to like to play around 12:30 or 1:00 in the afternoon for about 30-45 minutes and again around 10:00 at night! Pretty exciting. I tried to let Joe feel the other night, but the movements are still pretty soft, so his hand just ended up falling asleep under my ever growing belly. How about that belly anyway? I am officially a little over 16 weeks, which would be showing on any pregnant woman, but mind you, this is my third pregnancy and so I'm obviously going to show a bit quicker. The reason I bring this up is because I experienced some criticism the other day about my size. A woman I know said to a friend and myself, "Can you imagine how big she's going to be by the time that baby's ready? When are you due again?" I said, "The end of January." She said, "Oh gosh! Have you and your doctor discussed the possibility of multiples?" I said, "If there's multiples in there, they're really hiding good, because we didn't see them on the sonogram and don't hear them on the doppler." The woman wasn't trying to be rude, she is just very blunt, but my friend and I laughed for quite a while about her utter forwardness. Hopefully she comes up with some really good comments for later in this pregnancy when I'm a full out blimp! Now when I see my friend, she tells me to "sit down and take a load off"!
Today is my Aunt Brenda's birthday! Happy Birthday B.K.! B.K. is my Mom's sister, and what is funny is that today is also my Uncle Wayne's birthday, my Dad's brother! Happy Birthday Uncle Wayne! There is a fish fry at my cousin's house tonight for B.K.'s birthday celebration, and while I made a quite tasty looking cornbread layered salad, Joe, Kailyn and I won't be staying for supper. Not that the food won't be great (actually I hate fish and can't eat anything fried), but I've got a greater purpose tonight! Jordan and I really thought since Dad's favorite band has always been Heart, that we would recruit our brother, Aaron, and get him tickets to the State Fair for him and Penny for Father's Day. Great idea, they are both very excited to go to the concert, one problem. Tonight is Meet the Owls at the high school.....conveniently at the same time as B.K.'s birthday dinner. While Jordan said it was "no big deal" if no one came, Penny and I both disagreed. You see, Jordan is very laid back, and doesn't want to be a "bother", so she would just be disappointed on the inside and get over it on her own. Not on my watch! Being so laid back, Jordan also doesn't appear passionate about much, except volleyball. Now that girl plays one sport at MHS and it's volleyball, and she's damn good at it. It has been so amazing watching her grow from eighth grade until now, and you can really see her love for the game. Therefore, no one coming to support her at her very last Meet the Owls for the ONLY sport she plays - I think NOT! We are the reason Dad and Penny will be gone, and I will be the "athletic supporter" (lol) this evening. Woo Hoo, Go OWLS! As a matter of fact, Kailyn and I are both sporting our MHS Volleyball tshirts today. We're ready!
This has been a pretty busy week at work and at home. I actually have a big 'ol list that I need to be doing at work right now, but I seem to be spilling my life out through this keyboard. Poor Kailyn has been a busy body this week too, between dance camp and school open house. Now that's an experience, my first school open house. There were kids and parents everywhere! We got to put all of Kailyn's supplies away and meet her teacher, Wendy Davis. We are very excited about this school year and all that it will entail! Kailyn only knew a couple of kids in her class, but she is quick to make friends, so she should know several more in a matter of days! Miss Karsyn King and Mr Hadyn King are both in the kindergarten class across the hall, so there's a few more people she knows! Tonight, Papa and Mimi are going to take Kailyn to the lake. They are staying tonight and tomorrow and going to the fair for a bit on their way home Sunday morning. My sweet girl's last "vacation" before all innocence is lost and she is all grown up. I know, I know, a bit dramatic again!
Wow, honestly this list is not doing itself, so I guess I had better do some more work! Have a great weekend all!

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