Monday, August 24, 2009

T-minus 53.5 Hours

Astronauts use the whole "T-minus" thing for their countdown to BlastOff, but what does it really mean? If the T is supposed to stand for TakeOff, then why the minus? Why wouldn't they just say T in 10, 9, get it. Anywho, in 53.5 hours Joe, Kailyn and I will be "patient"ly waiting for our turn with the sonographer to see our little bambino. We definitely want to make sure we are growing properly and that all vital organs and bodyparts are accounted for and working. Then we are crossing our fingers that we may find out the sex! If all goes well, we will be celebrating our healthy baby with lots of new pink or blue.....oh, and a name! We'll get to put a name to our little baby and quit calling it an it. Sad little "it" baby. We haven't bought anything for this baby yet. It has some hand-me-downs from big sis, Kailyn, like toys, a crib, changing table/dresser, high chair, snugli and a few unisex items of clothing, but that's about it. Mimi bought baby a horsey pacifier holder, but no more. I just don't want any yellow or cream colored stuff. This is my last baby (agreed upon by Joe and I before we even started trying) and I want pink and purple for a girl and trucks and sports for a boy! So just know that if we do get to see any sexual organs, I'm buying that baby something color appropriate! I CAN'T WAIT! (And honestly, neither can Joe or Kailyn)
Kailyn was with her dad this weekend, so Joe and I rented some movies Saturday night. Obsessed, Bundy and 17 Again. I have been wanting to see Obsessed and 17 Again since they came out recently, and since Joe thought they were both going to be too feminine for his taste, he wanted a scary movie. Obsessed was really good. There was some good acting and a crazy, but believable plot. Joe and I both like it. Next we watched Bundy, since I wanted to save 17 Again for when Kailyn came home on Sunday (she loves some Zac Efron, and there are actually several other Disney characters in there too). Anyway, Bundy, is obviously the story of serial killer Ted Bundy; who, let me just tell you, is a flipping weirdo, psychopath. I've never seen anything like it. That dude was really out of control. I don't like scary movies, because I'm a scaredy cat, but the ones that are "based on a true story" are the worst. I mean, this man did not have one ounce of remorse for beating people to death and doing nasty, inhuman things to them. What a horrible man. We watched 17 Again as a family on Sunday night. Now, there is some bad language and some making out, so I don't know that it was probably a great decision to let our 5 year old watch it, but we made sure to say things like, "They don't use very nice words in this movie, do they?" or "Gross, you know if you really kiss your boyfriend at school, the principal will kick you out!". Other than that, it was a great movie. All three of us enjoyed it. Zac Efron definitely proved to be more than just eye candy, he is actually a dedicated actor (and a pretty good one at that!). Don't get me wrong, his shirtless scenes were much appreciated (I know, I know, he's young), but his emotion and his character were so believable. On behalf of my family and I, we give Obsessed and 17 Again each two thumbs up!!
Wow, what an interesting weekend we had! I don't mind, though, I got some major laundry and housecleaning done and relaxed. It was perfect! Before I go, my baby sister got her senior pics done by the ever-so-fabulous Kathy McCloy a couple weekends ago, and her gallery came up this past week. The above pic is one of my faves. Don't forget to check back with me Wednesday night or Thursday morning for hopefully a major Baby Klinge update! I will leave you with the baby-gaga 17 week cartoon. Happy Monday!

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