Monday, August 3, 2009

August Already?

Well, it's officially August. Summer just flew on by, didn't it? Kailyn got home last night from her last 2 week session with her dad, and so starts the busy month! Our dog, Morgan, is at the vet today for her yearly shots, I have to register my sweet wittle baby girl for kindergarten on Wednesday and Kailyn's Fairy Princess Dance Camp is Wednesday through Friday. Also on Friday, my mom, Kailyn and I are heading to Columbia for some shopping after mom's treatment. While Columbia as a city doesn't participate in Tax Free Weekend, we will still get a nice discount from not having to pay Missouri state tax! The next week, Kailyn's Hannah Montana Dance Camp is Monday through Wednesday, we have our OB appointment on Tuesday and my Aunt BK's birthday is Friday. The following Sunday (the 23rd) are Fred and Hanna's birthdays and our sonogram should be the week after that. Remember, keep your fingers crossed that Baby Klinge will leave his/her legs uncrossed!
Speaking of that...Joe and I got on the internet yesterday and took 4 different "old wives tale" quizzes to determine the baby's sex. 3 of them said we were having a girl (one of them was the Chinese Lunar Calendar, which is supposed to be 93% accurate) and the 4th said there was a 50% chance we were having a boy. No kidding? I wonder how they came up with those odds? Anyway, I keep telling Joe that I really feel like it's a girl, but who knows!? Hopefully we'll find out later this month.
I'd say the fish fry Saturday night at Luke's was a success! We hung out for quite a while with some great people and had some great food too. I made corn casserole and it was a hit, woo hoo! I hate taking a ton of food back home. Luke and his dad were supposed to fly out @ 7am this morning. I can't wait for him to start blogging again. Good Luck, Luke!
I finished my book, Chasing Justice by Kerry Max Cook, on Friday. It was really good. It has always been amazing to me how many people get in trouble, some repeat offenders, and never pay any consequences because they can pay "the right people". I mean, I've seen it happen repeatedly; athletes, musicians, actors, politicians, even people from our small town. But I've never heard of it at this level. I mean, this man was falsely accused and sent to death row, for heaven's sake! The man who really committed the crime put his money where it needed to be and the prosecution turned their head and coached their witnesses to lie on the stand to incriminate an innocent man. Absolutely shameful. I was embarrassed of our justice system while reading this book. And Kerry Max Cook is by far not the first person to suffer this injustice, although, not all of them get saved. Honestly, some of them aren't educated enough to know which route to take to even begin getting the help they need, especially with no money. The statistics are out of this world.
I think I'll wait until school starts to start reading another book, so that Kailyn and I can stay up a little later and hang out as much as possible just the two of us, before she is a kindergartener and before there are 2 babies in the house. What a good big sister she will be! (I mean, she is one already, but for a second time.) I think my next book will be The Summer I Dared by Barbara Delinsky, I've had it for a while and not read it. There are several books I saw on that I think look interesting too, so I may pick up a couple on Friday!
While it is only Monday, I think this week will fly by. I hope it does for you too! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Kailyn will have a blast at the dance camps. I wish they had those when I was her age! I was sad we didn't make it to the fish fry, we went to Brunswick to eat with the parents and by the time we got back Kristen said that Luke kicked everybody out. But at least Scott and I got to see Luke before we headed out of town Sunday. I'm looking forward to reading his blogs again.
