Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bad Baby!

This title is a multi-meaning title. Let's start with our doctor's appointment this morning for Mr. Myer. Obviously there's not much to our monthly doctor visits at this point, but we do get to hear baby boy's heartbeat on the doppler every time. This morning, however, our little grappler was really practicing his takedowns and was not about to be caught by that doppler. He tossed and turned, you could hear that, but he wouldn't hold still to get a heartbeat. Right as I was about to throw up on the poor nurse, he held still and had a strong 148 bpm. This boy may just need a spankin already.
On to the other bad baby.....Kailyn. I realize she is almost 6 and is not a baby, but you can't really tell at this point. I think she is having a few problems getting used to the whole "sharing your mom" idea. She cries a lot, talks like a baby, needs to be held or sit on my lap and always says, "I need mama". It breaks my heart when she acts like this, because she's not my wittle baby girl anymore, but she can't be babied either. Erica said she remembers being Kailyn's age when her mom was pregnant with Chad and she would ask for a bottle and sit on her stepdad's lap and drink it. It's got to be really hard to be the only one for almost 6 years and then, like Mandi says, your whole world changes. I am doing my best to spend as much time with her as possible before Myer arrives, but I also don't want her to feel like that time is being taken away when he's born. Any suggestions?
Are you ready for this? I started my Christmas shopping! Woo Hoo! (Please don't stop reading my blog because of my over organization) I really do like to stay on top of things with the amount of people we have to buy for. AND I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!! (and donuts)
I really don't have much, I'm pretty darn boring, sorry. Have a fabulous week!

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