Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Yesterday was Kailyn's dentist appointment and it went great. He did, however, get in there and the next adult tooth is at the surface, so we had him pull both baby teeth. Kailyn was a champ! She cried a little when she got the shot, but I think it was more for the unknown. We covered her eyes so she wouldn't see! We all made it through, but I hope the others come out on their own! Kailyn was so ready for the tooth fairy to come last night. She put her teeth under the pillow that she wasn't going to sleep on and was asleep almost instantly. When she got up this morning, though, she came into the bathroom where I was empty handed. I said, "The tooth fairy didn't bring you anything?" She stretched real big and very non-chalantly said, "I don't know, I haven't checked yet." Are you freaking kidding me?!?! I told her to get her butt back in there and see! JACKPOT.....she got $5 for each tooth! What a fun experience!

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