Monday, September 13, 2010

When it Rains.....

This past Friday was MHS's Homecoming.
It was a somewhat drizzly morning, but then the clouds opened up to a very pretty sun. Perfect weather for the parade, which Kailyn decided not to do since the Shapes girls were walking. She did parade around the square that morning with her school, though. The weather did not stay so perfect, however. Lightning started and that delayed the game. They got to play until halftime and there was rain and more lightning. The Homecoming Activities were done in the gym inside, but eventually the game was cancelled.
Our power went out at home around 10pm, while Joe was still cleaning up the football field, so Kailyn and I got out some candles and flashlights and Myer slept. About 10:30pm, Kailyn and I went to the garage to make sure no water was coming in, we checked the basement too, and it was all dry. Joe got home shortly after, took a shower and we were all ready for bed. Kailyn and I went to lay down and Joe headed to take the dogs out one last time, when I heard Joe yell my name. I yelled back, but he didn't answer, so I got scared that he had fallen or something (my stepdad fell off a ladder Wednesday night and ended up in the ER with bumps, bruises and 2 dislocated fingers). When I got to the top of the steps that lead to the garage, I heard the worst sound. Water running.....everywhere. It's no exaggeration, it was in the garage, the entryway, the toy room and the basement. In the basement, it was literally pouring out of the walls. We had 3.5 inches down there. It was coming in so fast that our drains couldn't possibly keep up, and let me remind you that our electricity was out, so our sump-pump wasn't helping either. The power finally came back on around 11:30pm, and Joe ran a snake through the basement drain to try and help the water go down faster. While all the water was gone Saturday morning, the dampness was definitely not! We called Serv-Pro and have fans and dehumidifiers all over. What a bummer. We lost a few things, but absolutely nothing that was irreplaceable, and that's lucky. We'll have an insurance adjuster coming in the next couple of days.
Aside from the flood, life went on in the house! I got all my hair chopped off and we went to a super fun 10th Birthday Party for Aubrey on Saturday and Joe mowed. I cleaned and Joe mowed on Sunday, and we brought all our belongings back in on the dry carpet. We are pretty tired, but like I said, nothing we lost was irreplaceable, and I feel good about that. I hope this insurance thing goes smoothly.
I got my permanent bridge put on this morning. It looks nice. I asked the dentist about Kailyn's tooth, and he said to give it a couple weeks. She'll be happy to hear that! I guess I'd better get back to work. I'm extremely tired today, I'm not sure if Myer had a tummy ache or if he's working on some teeth, but he was pretty fussy all night. Thank goodness for Sonic Tea!

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