Monday, May 17, 2010

The Finished Product

I kind of feel like a bad sister. I was looking on Facebook, and in my album for Mike's graduation, I have tons of pictures from his party and an equal amount from the ceremony, plus some before and after. When I created Jordan's graduation album, there were just pictures from the ceremony! Please let me tell you the differences. #1 - I have a 3 month old baby who doesn't really like holding still for Mommy to take pictures, #2 - Between monitoring how dirty Kailyn was getting in the mud and sand and finding how many people were passing Myer around, I didn't have time to take any cute pictures at Jordan's party and #3 - The weather totally sucked for graduation this year, so there was no hanging out before or after for pictures. However, while I may only have a few to choose from, I still got some good shots of my sweet, scatterbrained, graduate baby sister!
Speaking of good shots, my mom, stepdad, 2 stepbrothers, brother, hubby, kids and myself had a session with the ever-so-fabulous Kathy McCloy on Sunday morning. It was definitely COLD, but I'm sure Kathy got some great pictures, she always does! I can't wait to see what she comes up with.....don't worry I'll share asap!
I finished up Eclipse on Saturday, in what I felt like was record time. I really like Stephenie Meyer's writing. She may be a tad repetitive in the beginning, but she certainly picks it up so that you can't put it down! I am a few chapters into Breaking Dawn and I am like a crack addict. I know this is the last installment, so many things are going to be revealed and tied up and I'll know the whole story.....FINALLY! I can't wait! By the way, I am still 1 billion percent TEAM EDWARD!
Kailyn finishes kindergarten this week, goes to her Dad's for her first of three 2-week stays of the summer and has her Shapes Production. (If you have a child who's interested in dance, acro, cheer or theater, go to and check out the Shapes experience. The Marshall Studio has widened there class load and is offering tons of awesome options for 2010-11) Myer is loving his cereal every night and is on the verge of rolling over. I'm sick and tired of the rain.....too many more days like these, and I'm thinking of building an ark. Have a great day!

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