Monday, May 31, 2010

Pool Baby

What a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend! I tried to get some sun, but even reading outside in the direct sunlight 3 days in a row, for at least an hour each day, I've got nothing. I used to tan so easily, I don't know what happened. Kailyn got to come home for a bit on Saturday to go to her cousin's birthday party, and she played outside a lot there, and we played outside at home while Myer napped, before she went back to her dad's. She has a beautiful tan. Of course, she's been playing outside everyday since school's been out, but her tan is really pretty! Myer isn't quite old enough for sunscreen yet, but he got some good shade time. We went outside in the mornings to swing before the sun was blazing and we just sat some too. We went to an awesome bbq on Sunday at the King residence, and hung out with great people and ate great food! There were 3 small babies, but Myer was the only boy! Look out, girls! I took his bumbo seat so he could eat his cereal and veggies (carrots for the first time), but it was a disaster. When Myer sits in his bumbo, he always bends over and grabs his feet. I was hoping since he's an eater, aka, a chubby kid, that he would pay more attention to the spoon than his feet, but I was dead wrong. I had carrots and cereal from his head to my shorts! Poor kid. Tonight was much easier, and we wore much less. By the way, he really likes carrots! Before supper, Joe put some water in the plastic baby pool, and Myer and I suited up for a dip.

He really loves water, I think he'll love a big pool!

What's better after a good swim than a toe in your mouth?

I'm really hoping Kailyn will be at Mandi's in the morning so I can see her. Of course there's a chance for rain, so t-ball will probably be canceled. Kailyn's only played one game, sad! I'll keep my fingers crossed to keep the rain away!
A big congratulations to my cousins, on a beautiful, healthy baby girl, born Friday, and also to the new Mr and Mrs Rasse who were married Saturday! We've got a big wedding this weekend, it's going to be awesome!
I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend, I know we did!

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