Monday, May 10, 2010


As the rain pours down outside and I did my work way too fast this morning, I've been preparing myself for this upcoming weekend. My sweet little baby sister will graduate from MHS *tear*. You see, when I was little, I always felt destined to have a sister to dress and play with like my own personal doll. Well, I finally got Jordan, however, 8 year olds don't exactly like to be dressed up, and by this time I was also 18, so I wasn't really into playing dolls either. So it seemed at first that the gap may separate our bonding. Jump forward 5 years and I move back home to Marshall with my newborn daughter. Still not quite the bond I had always dreamed of, but our chances were increasing because our living distance was close enough to try. Oddly, it seems our turning point was Jordan's 8th grade birthday party. She had like 14 girls stay the my house. Kailyn stayed with Papa and Nana and I took the pack of hoodlums, what a trade. I'm almost positive we've been telling secrets, checking in on one another, venting our problems and LOVING our relationship ever since. What's really funny is that when people see us or pictures of us, they're positive we're sisters because we look so much alike! (Which is true, but not blood, you know?) And it's not just our looks, we both excel in Math and English and have a love for reading. I told you I was destined for a sister, and it seems she was destined for me too! It's been so out of this world watching Jordan grow up and mature from year to year. What a gorgeous, intelligent, amazing woman she has become! I think in the coming week, I'll share some fun photos as we "grew" into each other, as we turned from perfect strangers into unbreakable sisters. I love you, Jordan!
Today: Just the two of us:
Morgan loves this one! Check out Jordan's sweet turtleneck, and what the hell is with the look on my face?
This is the nice one! Kathy McCloy also took a picture of us while Jordan was in a headlock, but it didn't turn out very pretty!
T.W.I.R.P. Dance 2009 - No, I didn't crash it, Mike was up for king, so I went for crowning and snuck in a pic with my sis before I left!

Yikes! This pic is HORRIBLE! It is from Jordan's Volleyball Senior Night. I am 7 months pregnant with a hoss of a baby boy and apparently forgot the memo about putting makeup on before leaving the house so as not to scare others! She must really love me to claim me on days like these!

Tomorrow: The Chronicles of Aunt Jordan

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