Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Attempt

Well, Monday night, Myer tried green beans. Let's just say, they must be an acquired taste. Don't get me wrong, I doubt I'd be a big fan of mushed up, non seasoned green beans either, but Myer really didn't dig them. We tried again last night, and they went down a bit better, so maybe tonight he'll love them? Maybe that's just wishful thinking!Tball got cancelled last night. I'm so so glad that Jeff has been taking Kailyn to Mandi's everyday, because it makes the separation way easier to handle. I get to see her every morning and afternoon, and even after work if she happens to still be there! It is awesome! I was really nervous about the 2 week sessions this summer with her having a new baby brother at home. I was afraid she would feel like he was getting way more attention or she would feel like she was missing his milestones. To rectify the situation, I've been writing her a journal everyday while she's gone. I tell her what happened during that day, including what Joe, Myer and I did and what she did if I got to see her, and I tell her how much I enjoyed seeing her if I did and how much I love and miss her! I hope she likes it. I've thought about doing it during previous summers, but she is an excellent reader now, so I think she'll like it more!
I'd better get some work done. I am TIRED of all this rain, so I hope it stays away for a while! Have a great day!


  1. Aimee you're such a good Mom! Hang in there with the time apart. :)


  2. Thanks so much, that really means the world to me!
