Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Books are Fuel for the Mind

I love me a good book! I read almost every night at bed time, and other times if I can, but that's rare. It is my very own personal time when I get to unwind from the day.
I started reading Jodi Picoult books when I was pregnant with Kailyn and have been addicted ever since! “Picoult has become a master-almost a clairvoyant-at targeting hot issues and writing highly readable page-turners about them…It is impossible not to be held spellbound by the way she forces us to think, hard, about right and wrong.” —The Washington Post. There is only 1 book of hers that I have not read, and I'm not really sure why I haven't. She publishes one new book per year and I buy it the second it comes out!
Once, when I was buying a new Jodi Picoult book on Barnes and Noble online, I saw this little box that offered suggestions of other authors that wrote similarly to Jodi. One of those authors was Barbara Delinsky. Now, I would argue to say that not all of her books are similar, but she does have some and I've enjoyed them!I'm usually pretty stubborn about reading new authors. If I don't think I'll like it, then I just don't give it a chance. Like Stephenie Meyer. Before Twilight was a worldwide phenomenon, my sister tried to get me to read it. I couldn't get into the first chapter and gave up. When the movie came out, I didn't see it either, I thought it was going to be stupid. I didn't understand all the hype. When New Moon came out on DVD, Disney's Wizards of Waverly Place's storyline had to do with vampire girlfriends and werewolf boyfriends, so when Kailyn saw commercials, she decided she wanted to see it. We rented both Twilight and New Moon and that was it for me. I called my friend and begged her to bring me the Eclipse book, I had to know what happened next! Very shortly after, I begged her to bring me Breaking Dawn! That book was like crack.....I read that almost 800 page book in a week flat. When Eclipse came out in theaters, Kailyn, my sister and one of my besties went to see it. Oh how I love me a sparkly vampire!!!!! I can't wait until December 4th when it comes out on Blu Ray, it's definitely a must have! I've also read Stephenie Meyer's The Host. It's not as addicting as the Twilight Saga, but I'm glad I stuck with it, because I ended up really liking it. I truly enjoy her writing style. I also like inspirational books. All of Mitch Albom's books (Tuesdays with Morrie, etc) have been good. He's a great writer and keeps me reading! I thought The Shack by William P. Young was a fantastic read as well. He definitely makes you reach into your soul and believe how good God is, even in the hardest situations.I don't normally know what to ask for at Christmas. This year I am asking for an Amazon Kindle. It's an electronic bookreader and you can instantly download e-books (for cheaper than regular books). I am SO excited and truly hope to get it! I think the first book I'll download is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I've heard mixed reviews about it, but am curious and would like to see what it's all about. And if I like it, there are 2 more books in the series. Right now I'm reading Saving Max by Antoinette van Heugten, about a boy with Asperger's who is spiraling out of control and may or may not have murdered a fellow patient in the psych ward where he is undergoing treatment. I've only just begun, but it's pretty good so far!I'm always looking for a good read, have you got a favorite book?!?!
Next, let's talk MOVIES!


  1. You will LOVE The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's one of my favorite books---it's from a dogs perspective. I know that sounds weird, but trust me...it's amazing. Read it.

    Also really love Emily Giffin books...they are romantic comedies, and they make for a fun & fast read.

    Wick really likes the book The Lone Survivor by Marcus Lauttrell---it's a true story from a navy seal who was the only survior on a mission & the book talks about what it becomes to be a navy seal. He loves it---I've had a hard time getting into it. But you may enjoy it.

  2. Thanks, Laura! If Joe does read, he reads John Grisham and serial killer mysteries and such, so I never read his! I can't wait to try The Art of Racing in the Rain!
