Saturday, October 16, 2010


No, Scrooges, this is not a post about how I am extremely ahead of you in my Christmas shopping. But, for the sake of saying so, I only have 7 more presents to buy, and I know what they're going to be, it's just a matter of getting them! ;)
Anywho, any parent would love to give their child the gift of humanity. A child who puts others' needs before theirs is a major accomplishment. As much as I tease about having very spoiled children, I take pride in have a very sharing and very caring daughter. I very much hope my sweet boy takes after his sister on this one!
Kailyn has always been very intuitive, so when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, she knew it was a big deal. She wears her pink ribbons with pride and always wants to do anything that benefits my mom! 2 years ago, Kailyn wanted to get her hair cut. When I told her about donating it, she was all over it! We cut 8 inches and donated it to cancer patients through Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Today Kailyn donated another 8 inches of her hair. I will mail it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths on Monday!So as not to leave Myer out, this picture was taken today with Nelson while his Dad was mowing the front lawn in his endless battle to remove pine needles.
Have a great weekend!


  1. She is such a sweetheart! I can't believe this is the 2nd time she has donated her hair. You've raised a caring little girl. That pic of Myer is adorable!

  2. Thanks! She sure does make a mama proud.....little man too!
