Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cause for Celebration

Fall has arrived! The weather has been beyond amazing lately! All the Klinge's did our annual pumpkin carving this past weekend. Of course, Kailyn picked the most intricate carving pattern in the book for us to do, but I'd have to say, it turned out ok.She picked a much simpler one for Joe to carve on Myer's pumpkin ;)These are the pumpkins we painted a few weeks ago, just for my new stands. Later Saturday night, Joe and I left the kids with his mom and went to a PAR-TAY! One of my besties turned the big 3-0! We went out to the country club for some snacks, drinks and good old hangin' out. It was a great time!*SPOILER ALERT*
My kids are SPOILED! I mean bad! Mr. Myer is into EVERYTHING these days. Fortunately he is flipping adorable, so I don't feel so terrible about giving him anything he wants. Sunday night Joe and I where in a deep conversation in the kitchen about the ingredients in Capri Sun Drinks when Joe looked over and said, "Oh, dogs!". When I looked over, Myer had snuck over to the dog food and water bowls (his favorite items these days, we usually have to keep them pulled up), and dumped the dog food out on the floor. Right as Joe and I raced toward him, he smiled his biggest smile and shoved the food in his mouth. Only one piece made it in and I fished it right back out, but man, that kid is a turkey!
Not too long ago, Kailyn was talking about how it would be fun to build a robot. We kind of batted around some ideas about using cereal boxes and paper towel rolls and started saving as we emptied. Yesterday we got the final paper towel roll needed and built our robot. You may be asking yourself, why would you build a robot? Is it required for school or girl scouts? NOPE! Kailyn thought it would be cool, so we did it. SPOILED! We did take "Stacy" to school this morning to show her class, though. Kailyn was a star!


  1. Your yard things are SUPER cute!!! I've never seen those before! Great pic of all of the "Girls" too......I'm sure you guys enjoyed yourselves!

  2. By introduction, my name is Rick Klinge. I live in Central Washington State and am actively working my family history and tracing links to my family from the mid-west. My grandfather (Herman Klinge) had seven brothers and sisters, most who stayed in the Indianapolis area where he grew up. If your husband knows if his family is originally from Indianapolis or know of a Klinge family member who does know, I would be greatly appreciative getting in touch with them.

    I have a "Google Alert" that shows me many Klinge's out in the internet and your page came up. I have enjoyed looking at your blog. My children are a little older than you two, so most of my grandkids are a bit bigger than yours. You do a great job with your blog. I have a blog you are welcome to step in and follow. Not as exciting as your, it is about my health, which is improving after going through a heart transplant and bone marrow transplant. You can see it at http://www.tinmanofwenatchee.blogspot.com
    Thanks for your time with this. I promise I will not become a nuisance or a bother to you or anyone else. I am only trying to fill in some gaps with my family history.
    You do a great job with the pumpkins.

    Rick Klinge
