Friday, October 1, 2010

A Week Late and $1000 Short

I know, it's a day late and $1 short, but it's been a week since my last post and, well, Lord knows $1 doesn't get you anywhere these days, especially in my shoes. We recently found out that our "flood insurance" doesn't cover ground water, which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard - flood insurance that doesn't cover flooding. So all of the clean up work we had done and all the maintenance work that needs to be done (a 10 foot drain right outside the garage and a sump pump installed) will all come out of our pocket. Did I mention that I live at the dentist's office? That's correct. I just received my last bill for $968 for the two unit bridge that was put in that had a little note at the bottom that said, "patient's insurance is maxed out for the year". Yep, leave it to me, they give you $1500 worth of coverage on your mouth per year, but I've already bypassed that. And then I had another appointment earlier this week for two very deep fillings. What makes me so mad is that I brush my teeth EVERY morning and EVERY night, AND I floss regularly. What the heck else do I need to do? I honestly just have BAD teeth :( Not to mention, let's add Christmas and my two January Babies' Birthdays to the list!
Yesterday was such a fun experience. The 2010 Fireball Run Adventurally ( made a stop in Marshall! It's a a 3500 mile, 18 city, 8 day interactive road rally which aids in the recovery of America's Missing children. I took a few pictures, but the car below belongs to Marc Klaas, founder of the Klaas Kids Foundation ( His daughter, Polly, was kidnapped and murdered 17 years ago today. Marshall was a checkpoint and us City workers got to time the teams in and out. There were amazing people (every one of them was so nice!) and really awesome cars.
Speaking of kids, Kailyn has discovered her calling in life. About 2 weeks ago, she started talking - nonstop - about becoming a rock star. She even wrote her first song and was convinced that she could just walk it to a radio station and they would record her singing it and play it. So I told her how hard it is in reality to become a rock star. I told her about how you need a manager, agent, inside people in the industry, a record deal and LOTS of money. She was a little disappointed, but still ok with the idea. A few day later, she said, "What did you say you needed to become a rock star, Mom?", and I said, "You mean, like, a manager?" and she said, "Yeah, that's it, will you be my manager?". How do you say no to that? Of course I said yes!!!!! Actually I said, "Absolutely, did you know Justin Bieber's mom is his manager?" Now, if you're getting excited reading this, I wouldn't just yet. Below are 2 of the 4 songs Kailyn has written, and while it is flipping adorable, it doesn't exactly have Grammy written all over it, you know?

Everyone has feelings, everyone does if you just believe me then I will show you because you can be sad or you are happy. You can have, you can have any kind you are, so you can be sad or you can be excited. So pretty much, those are the ones you should have. - Kailyn

Oh, wo, wo, wo, oh, wo, oh, wo. One time I couldn't do what I wanted, wanted, wanted, so I wanted to do something else so bad, so bad, so bad. So I asked my mom and she said yes, she said yes, she said yes, so I went on and did, and did, and did, and I had so much fun, I did, I did did, I did. So I asked my mom, my mom, my mom if my best friend could come over, over, over, so she said yes, yes, yes, so me and my best friend had so much fun, fun, fun, until she went home, home, home. Good bye, I said. - Kailyn

Her songs are pretty short and sweet, which is good, since she walks around singing them 24 hours a day! Like I said, they won't be topping the charts anytime soon, but she is having fun using her imagination and she writes them down herself, so she is practicing her writing and spelling too!
While Kailyn is busy becoming a rock star, Myer is steadily getting more ornery by the day. That boy is very mobile and gets into EVERYTHING! Nothing is safe anymore. He messes with everything, puts everything in his mouth and pull up on everything. If you take it away he screams and kicks his feet like a maniac. Kailyn was never like this.....Boys are so different!
Today is the annual Football in Pink football game at MHS. Obviously this event, and the month of October, are close to my heart, as my mama is a breast cancer survivor! They didn't make the event shirts small enough for the kids, but Kailyn did the MHS Cheerleader Clinic yesterday, so she has a pink t-shirt to wear to the game tonight to cheer in with the other first graders. Myer wasn't so lucky, I struggled for an idea for him (He outgrew is "I am a Breast Man" shirt a couple of months ago). I was about to go to Wal-Mart and just buy him a girls pink shirt when I found a pink fabric permanent marker from a purse Kailyn had gotten that you colored yourself. I busted out a white onesie and wrote "Real Men Wear Pink" with a pink ribbon on the front and "Mimi is my Hero" on the back. Kailyn liked the Hero part, so I wrote "Mimi is my Hero" on her shirt sleeve with black permanent marker and made a "Mom" tattoo-heart on the sleeve of mine.Looks like I'd better get some work done on this GORGEOUS Friday. Have a great weekend!

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